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General Inquiries
Phone: +001 (559) 761-0351
[email protected]
Contact Information
Squads Abroad is a program of Global Brigades which has has registered charities in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Germany.

Global Brigades USA c/o Squads Abroad
Registered 501(c)3
1099 E Champlain Dr., Ste A176
Fresno, CA 93720
Address for check donations:
P.O. Box 101875
Pasadena, CA 91189-1875

Global Brigades United Kingdom c/o Squads Abroad
Registered Charity No. 1132015
1614 Duckman Tower
3 Lincoln Plaza
United Kingdom
E14 9BL
Phone: (0)7871414528

Global Brigades Germany c/o Squads Abroad
Registered Charity No. VR 200439
Bismarckstr. 4 1/2
95444 Bayreuth
Phone: (44) 7908867210

Global Brigades Canada c/o Squads Abroad
Registered Charity No. 832594139RR0001
B10182 – 800 Steeles Ave West
Thornhill, Ontario L4J 7L2
Address for check donations:
Global Brigades Health and Development
PO Box 9344
Station A
Toronto, Ontario, M5W 3M2